Health Hardbacks
To order either of the following health hardbacks, please select relevant link;
Proof Positive - Dr. Neil Nedley
Walter Veith's Own Health Resource !
His book, Diet and Health, (in which latest insights including his own research
are presented) is published by the prestigious scientific publisher: Stuttgart
Scientific Publishers (Stuttgart Wissenschaftlicher Verlag), which publishes
books for the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry and is available
on the world-wide market.
Diet & Health - Professor Walter Veith
Take a step toward improving your health by purchasing "Proof Positive" - an excellent resource aid to know "How to reliably combat disease and achieve optimal health through nutrition and lifestyle". Here are some of the health themes that this hardback contains:-
* Good News About Cancer: It Can Be Prevented !
* Heart Disease: Conquering The Number One Killer
* The Great Meat And Protein Myth
* Milk: Friend Or Foe ?
* The Frontal Lobe: The Crown Of The Brain
* AIDS And HIV: The Untold Story
* Nutrition And The Environment